IIW History 1948-1958

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At the Madrid assembly in 1956, the theme chosen did not deal ·with any particular t ype of application , but with P1·oditctiv1:ty by Welding.

In fact, this subj ect t ended t o highlight the import ant p a rt played by all applications of welding in increasing product ivity, both in constructional work properly sp eaking and in the exploitation a nd use of welded constructions. The ma ny papers p resented were divided among the following sub– h eadings (r) : r ) General Themes R appo rteur Mr. F . DE LA SIERRA (Spain) - (six papers). 2) Pi·o/ essional Training R apporteur Mr. Drnz TORRES (Spain) - (t wo papers) . 3) R esearch and Control R apporteur Mr. GARC IA MARTIN (Spain ) - (four papers) . 4) Welding and Oxygen Cutting R apporteur Mr. A. SALGUEIRO (Spain) - (six papers). 5) Shipbuilding R apporteur Mr. A. VILLANUEVA (Sp ain) - (five papers) . 6) Difjerent Fa br-ications R appo rteur Mr. J. BATANERO (Sp ain) - (four pape rs) . The interest in the papers p resented a nd in the discussions t o which they gave rise at the p ublic session in lVIadrid was such that the Governing Council asked that a ge neral report should be p repared jointly by the Scientific and Tech nical Secret ary a nd by Mr. Mm o, Direct or of t he Spanish Institute of vVeldi ng, with a view t o its lat er publicat ion . Th a nks t o the h elp of Mr. GERBEAUX, an engineer at t he French « Institut de Soudure », this document was prepared some months lat er and circul at ed to member societies fo r p ublication by them. On the prop osal of the« Deutscher Ve rband fo r Schweisst ech nik », t he p ublic session at the Essen assembly in 1957 was devot ed t o some aspects of The Metal– liwgy of T 1 Velding a nd , i n p articular, to t h e very importa nt problem of t he p resence and effect s of hyd rogen in t he weld met al of welded assemblies. The papers were allocated under the following sub-h eadi ngs a nd syntheses \Yere p resented by German rapporteurs (r) r ) Gas Absorption and its Jnjl·itence on W eld Metal R apporteurs Messrs . P . ERDMANN-]ESNITZER, vV. H MMI'l'ZSCH a nd H . E. WEINSCHENK - (eight papers). 2) The Behaviour of vVelds as regards Ar;eing and Caustic Embrittlement R ap porteurs Messrs. E. KAUHAUSEX a nd F. NEIIL - (four papers) . 3) The M etallurgy of Brazing Rapporteurs Messrs. J. COLEUS a nd 0. KNOTEK - (t wo pape rs). 4) The Metallurgy of the W eld-i:ng of Staiuless and H eat-res ishng Steels of ferritfr, sem1:-ferrihc and austenil'ic Types R apporteurs Messrs. K. Bu:-

5) The Metallurgy of the W eldfrig of non-ferrous M etals 5. r. Titanium and its Alloys Rapporteur Mr. K. BuNGARD'l' - (two papers) .

( 1) Sec appellclix n·.

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