IIW History 1948-1958

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Econom1;e de l 'oxycowpage -

M ethodes d' amelioration pour l' economie

d'vt procede de l'oxycoupage by Mr. H , RENAUDIE (France). R echar gement a la flamme by Mr. BOUTTE (France) . R eport on powder-C'utt,ing by Mr. DORE (United Kingdom) . A new form of acetylene distrib,11tion throitgh pipe-lines iu Goteborg by Mr. FoRSBEG (Sweden). A perr;u des nor-mes nat1:onales existantes concernant les metaux d' apport by Messrs. H APPE (Netherlands) and PEDERSE)< (Denmark). 501,tdage oxyacetylenique par pression by Dr. ZORN (Germany). A perp,t de la metallisation. The question of filler metals for the gas ·welding of mild or low-alloy steels has been on the programme of work of Commission I since the Delft meeting in May 1949 · Since it start ed work, the Commission h as sought, by appointing rappor– teurs, t o obtain the maximum information on the various methods used in the different countries for classifying filler met als. This resulted in a first document being presented at Goteborg in September 1952; it was entitled Proposals fo r the standardisation of welding rods suitable for gas zvelding of steel. The discussion turned on whether specimens for determining the mechanical values of the deposited metal should be t aken from a weld made on a single Vee groove assembly or from a deposit laid on a plate. The representatives of Sweden and the Neth erlands carried out tests to find out ,-vhich , among the methods mentioned, was most suitable for determining the properties of the metal used . Later on, other c0untries joined these two and the investigation was continued during 1953 by a group made up of experts of the following countries : Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The results of these tests were considered at the annual assembly in Copenhagan in July 1953· It was then decided that the mechanical properties of filler metals for gas welding should be determined using a deposit laid on a plate, this method ensuring that the composition of the plate does not exe rci se any influence. At this meeting the Commission also decided, on the proposal of the Scan– dinavian delegations , to put on its agenda the investigation of a t est on an assembly for establishing the compatibility bet ween given filler and base metals. The following year, in May 1954 at Florence, the Commission fin ally adopted the document entitled Point of vi;ew of C omm·ission I on proposit-ions for the class'i– jicat,ion of filler materi:als for the gas welding of mild or low alloy steels. Both previously and during that meeting practical t ests carried out b y members of the Commission had made it possibl e to compare the different views expressed and for agreement to be reached on the recommended t esting method. The corres– ponding document was the result of close collaboration between the me1nbers of the Commission; it was forwarded to I SO v ia Commission VII (Standardisa– tion) and served as the basis for the preparation of the Code of 'internat-ional sv1nbols for fill er rods for gas u:elding of mild or low-alloy high tensile steels which is at present the subj ect of an international enquiry within I SO. As a res ult of this wo rk , the same group of expert s nnclert xk the development of a t est for determining whether a given filler metal is or is not suitable for the \\'elding of a given parent st eel. Because of a difference of views between the Scandinavia n countries and those of the rest of Europe, it was only after a series of tests had been carried 1954 I 956 1952 1952 1952 1953 1953 1953 Flux et decapants by Mr. DEGLON (Switzerland). Soitdage a-utogene autmnahque by Dr. ZORN (Germany).

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