IIW History 1948-1958




When the Provisional Committee, appointed to draw up a d raft constitution for the IIW, met at Bale on 27 and 28 February , 1948, it was decided t o recom– mend the establishment of a Commission on arc welding. The t erms of reference of this Commission were t o cover the applications of arc welding in all its fo rms . A provisional p rogramme, ·drafted by P rof. H . E. J AEGER, was submitted to t he meeting held in Brussels in June 1948 ; Commission II was then set up under the Cha irmanship of Prof. J AEGER, assist ed by Mr. W. GERRITSEN as \"ice-Chairman, both being Netherlands delegat es. This programme of work was circulated in J anua ry 1949 t o the delegat es appointed by several countries and ser ved as a basis of discussion at the first official meeting of the Commission in May 1949 at Delft . Se' eral Sub-Commissions \Vere t hen set up in order to enable work to be undert aken in the different fields of application and of research fo r a rc welding. The Sub-Commissions then est ablished a re listed below. Subsequently, certain of them were wound up , either because of reorganisation within Commis– sion II or because of the t ransfer of their work t o other Commissions. Below appears a brief chronological survey of these Sub-Commissions and w0rking groups during the t en years of activity of Commission II. r. In 1949, a ' ub-Commission fo r t he < classification of electrodes » was set up to study problems in connexion with covered electrodes for a rc \Yelding. This uh-Commission still exists under the title << Sub-Commission E » (1).

(I ) See belo"' .

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