ECCB 2016/2017 Annual Report



from the ECCB Headquarters to the other seven ECCB member countries.

Country Outreach Visits Country outreach programmes were coordinated as part of the Bank’s new thrust to deepen its stakeholder communication through more focused engagement and discussions. The Governor travelled to the eight ECCB member countries to meet with the Heads of State, Cabinets, Leaders of Opposition, Chambers of Commerce, social partners and the media to share the Vision for the ECCB. 27 th Annual Conference With Commercial Banks The conference was held from 10 - 11 November 2016 under the theme, “The Way Forward: Commercial Banks in a New Environment.” Representatives from commercial banks and non-bank financial institutions from the eight ECCB member countries attended and participated in relevant and timely discourse pertaining to the advancement of the banking sector within the Financial Information Month 2016 The theme for Financial Information Month (FIM) 2016 was: “COPE: Create. Optimise. Pursue. Embrace. Opportunities.” The theme issued a challenge to the citizens and residents of the ECCU to create and optimise opportunities by taking full advantage of what is available and possible. One of the key highlights of the month of activities was the 6 th Annual Business Symposium and Innovation Forum. The symposium was held on 6 October, with transmission via videoconference sub-region. The topics covered included: •  • De-risking: Impacts and Solutions •  • Basel II and IFRS 9: Where are we? •  • Credit and the Macro-environment

Financial Information Month 2016

The topics and presenters were: •  • Policies to Support the Rise of the Creative Industry in the OECS - Mr Dave Cox, Creative Director/Publisher, Caribbean Bride; and •  • Improving the OECS Business Climate - Mr Jose Rosa President, St Kitts Nevis Chamber of Industry and Commerce, and General Manager, Kajola Kristada Ltd. Financial and Business Training The ECCB is committed to arming the people of the ECCU with the knowledge to help develop their entrepreneurial and financial management skills. During the year, emphasis was placed on small business development. Workshops for small business owners were held in four of the eight member

Governor Antoine addresses participants of a Small Business Workshop in St Vincent and the Grenadines - June 2016

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