Capital Equipment News March 2015


MAN NEW CARE SERVICES offer solutions for vehicle maintenance

By Pierre Sanson

W ith fleet management solutions and telematics services, large vehicle fleets can be better con- trolled with respect to the economic effi- ciency and optimization of logistical, in- formational and organizational processes. Technological advances in communication and information technology are favouring the further development of fleet mainte- nance because they have lowered the cost of implementing systems, providing re- al-time control and information. In order to benefit from fleet management services, network infrastructure has to be imple- mented on a wide scale.

in place that is the forerunner of the intro- duction of telematics. Currently the inter- linked services from MAN offer solutions to help businesses to be particularly compet- itive in the transport industry. All solutions help to decrease the total cost of owner- ship by making maintenance costs trans- parent and predictable, unlocking savings potential in fleet management and as a result of driver training and helping to plan workshop visits in a time-effective manner. Proactive maintenance scheduling is a par- ticularly efficient way to reduce costs. The new ServiceCare service package provides the MAN service outlet commissioned by the customer with access to maintenance data pertaining to customer vehicles,

MAN has so far not embarked fully on the telematics route, locally but has a system


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