USD Football 1995
THE TDI LINEUP-1995. ISSUE NO. 5 COLLEGEFOOTBALL, 2000 AND BEYOND As we roll into the next century, college football promises to be a whole new ball game. -BY TOM SLEAR FAREWELL TO THE SOUTHWEST CONFERENCE After 81 seasons and a Texas-sized stable of memories, the SWC is closing the barn doors for good. - BY STEVE PATE CASUAL SUCCESS Legendary coach John Gagliardi keeps his St. John's club loose and happy-and his players thank him by Kutztown State's Chuck Roseberry proved that determination-not age-is the key ingredient for a college career. -BY JACK CLARY I AND MUCH MORE! COMING NEXT WEEK IN TDI: TDI SLAUTESCOLLEGEFOOTBALL'S TOP RIVALRIES: NOT JUST AGAME There's a lot more on the line than a victory I I consistently winning. -BY MICHAEL RUBIN BETTER LATE
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when arch-rivals clash. NOT PURELYACADEMIC Harvard and Yale mean serious business when they renew their intense rivalry. THE PUREST Of RIVALRIES The Army-Navy game is many things to many people, but no one can dispute that it is college football at its noblest. No DAY AT THE BEACH When Miami and Florida State get together, the players tend to forget about things like blood and pain.
Illsutrated is publish six times betw
September1andDecember1eachyear Cover Photo James D. Smith Insert, Left Michael C. Herbert
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