USD Football 1995

Back then, nobody won the SWCwithout beating the private schools. Royal says, "When I first came to Texas as a 32-year-old head coach , our Rice game was way bigger than the Arkansas-Texas game. [Owls legendary coach] Jess Neely ay ayoung can SIT in his living room andwatch Florida play FloridaState, and for him that game is just as nearby as kid

came up to me before my first game at Rice Stadium and said, 'Well, I hope the fire marshal doesn 't shut us down; there are gonna be a lot ofpeople in the aisles today.' This, from the category of Believe It or Not: You could take every student- living or dead-to graduate from Rice University during its 84-year history ofcollege football and still notcome dose to filling Rice Stadium. And yet, there was a long stretch-through the 1930s and '40s and '50s--when a tick- et to an Owl game was a hot commodity in Houston. Royal and Broyles helped change all ofthat, right about the time television sets became a living-room standard. The rivalry grew hot and heavy in 1962 when Texas preserved its No. I national ranking with a 7-3 victory, thanks to a famous goal-line stand speared by Pat Culpepper and John Tread- co NT IN u E D




Baylor-Texas." GRANT TEAFF,


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