USD Football 1995
PlantTrees forAmerica ----------------------------------------™ 7!?ft,; a/lt»M1d Nme CC(ltll /;ncJt.ea,e i,f,svafw up to l'i % tJj/_ mo!Zl. me. ff;etri 1j-OJ11 pJ.ant liernOVC COz 6fuJm -fhR C 7\ N?fTT/<.ff5 C?/,,tl/ he tinco!zpo!itded ml); ww,dhfif£//4> OJl. ~dve M diadt-ff?&x. I/ W!NaR0/K Ca,Y/ .ftYWfYu l;ea;f bt.l/5/0-20%. fl 73ACKYA-Pr.> ORCflARD h/5 ljrJU,yMW ~a,t/2, OW!1 /)Juut {7RffTTRt6"> ~c?,c/f.-/w C()17C/ldl awl -fif/p t»{J( ~e &nttM l'!eit,holiktd America needs mor e trees T he United States has lost a third of its forest cover in the la:;t 200 years. Our towns should have twice as many street trees·as they have today. \Xie need more trees around our homes and througho ut our communities. We need more trees to protect our farm fields and our rivers and streams. To p rovide wood for our homes and a tho usand prod- uc ts we use every day. 10 Free Trees The National Arbor Day Foundation, the w orld's largest tree-planting environmen- tal organization, is sponsoring its Trees for America carnpaign LO plant rnillions of trees. Here's how you can participate. \Vhen you join the Arbor Day Foundation you w ill receive te n free Co lorado blue spruces , o r o ther conife rs selected to grow in your area. Colorado blue spruces have silver, blue- green color and compact conical shape. Spruces ca n be p lanted as a privacy screen, as an energy-saving w indbreak, as i n di v i dual o rnamen tal s, o r as l i v ing Christmas trees. Your trees will be shipped postpaid al the right time for planting in your area, February thro ugh May in the spring o r Octo ber through mid December in th e fall. The six to twelve inch trees are guar- anteed to grow, or they will be replaced free. To b ecom e a m e mbe r and to receive your free trees, send a $10 membership contribution to Ten Blue Spruces, Nation al Arbor Day Foundatio n , 1 00 Arb o r Avenue, Nebraska City, NE 68410. J o in today, and plant your Trees for America! The National ~ArborDayFoundation
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