USD Football 1995
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UNIVERSITY PROFILE The University of San Diego is an independent, Catholic university located on a 170-acre mesa overlooking Mission Bay, San DiegoHarbor, andthePacificOcean. Thecampusis namedAlcala aPark after the Spanish university town where St. Didacus (i.e., Diego) spent much ofhis time. Complementingits splendidnaturalsetting is theUniversity's location just l 0 minutes from downtown San Diego - conveniently closetothemajorbusiness, cultural,residential,andrecreational areas, as well as the rail, bus and air terminals. Foundedin 1949,USDis presentlyexperiencingrecordatten- dance. Undergraduate enrollment stands at 3,900; graduate students bring the overall campus enrollment to just over 6,400. The University includes a College ofArts and Sciences, and Schools of Business Administration, Education, Nursing, and Law. Each is characterized by high academic standards, small classes, and excellent student-faculty relations. Though the majority ofstudents come from the West Coast, every region of the United States is well-represented on campus. Students also attend USD from 55 foreign countries. Recreation and athletic activities are expanding rapidly and include: sailing, crew,yoga, karate,surfing,moderndance,backpack- ing, and ballet. USD's intercollegiate sports for men include baseball, foot- ball, basketball, cross-country, golf, soccer, crew and tennis. In women's intercollegiate sports, USD fields programs in basketball, cross-country, crew, softball,swimming, tennis, soccer andvolleyball.
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What Is A Torero? A Torero is a Mexican Bullfighter. Prior to 1963, the University of San Diego's nick- name was the "Pioneers." The origin of the university's Torero nickname is unknown, but the founding father of the University of San Diego, Bishop Buddy, was quite fascinated with Mexican history and it is believed that the unique nickname is a result of his influence.
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