Kolter Homeowner Guide

Nail pops Nail pops happen when the attachment point between the drywall and wood framing fails. It is a common occurrence, and may happen with both nails and screws. Pops look like a small bump or dent on the wall. They might not look aesthetically pleasing but do not decrease the wall’s strength.

2. Spread spackle over the nails or screws with a putty knife, following manufacturer’s recommendations. Spread evenly.

Fixing nail pops Follow these steps to fix nail pops:

1. Drive the nail back into the wall with a hammer. Drive a new nail into the wall so the head of the new nail overlaps the head of the old nail. If a screw has popped, use a screwdriver to insert it back into the wall.

3. Wait for spackle to dry. Then use a fine- grit sandpaper to smooth the surface. Run your hand over the wall; when it’s smooth, stop sanding.

HOME TIP: Nails or screws should be driven just far enough into the drywall that they don’t protrude from the surface. Check for protruding fasteners by running a putty knife over them and listening for a click or feeling for an obstruction.


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