wiredinUSA August 2011 - page 2-3

WHILST tackling the nation’s debt may be the
hot topic across the country, there is plenty
of optimism to be found in this second issue
of wiredInUSA.
A new power plant in Tarboro, North Carolina
(p10, 11) starts the good news that continues
to expansions (p17) and submarine projects
(p22) with more good news through to the
latter pages.
I know many companies from the US will
be making the long journey to Thailand for
wire Southeast Asia, 13th-15th September
in Bangkok. More than 220 businesses from
around the world will be exhibiting at the
region’s largest and most recognized wire
and cable show.
A little nearer home in October will be WiCAB
in São Paulo, Brazil, from 4th-6th October,
and in November it is the turn of IWCS to take
center stage in Charlotte, North Carolina,
from 6th-9th November.
Keep an eye out for the special sections
in the next two issues of wiredInUSA to
get your company’s exhibition details in.
David Bell
wiredInUSA - August
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