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Prof. Sara A. Dillon,
3 credits day; 3 credits evening. Professor Dillon: This course is participatory in nature. It covers
a wide range of cases and materials relating to the Law of the European Union, and students are
expected to prepare in advance and express themselves during class. The final examination is a
24 hour take home (with the actual 24 hour period to be chosen by the individual student),
though it is possible to substitute a research paper for the final examination. (There are
conditions attached to this, as explained by the professor at the beginning of the semester.) It is
also possible for the student to fulfill the legal writing requirement through this research paper.
The professor gives a grade rise of one increment for excellence in class participation.
An introduction to the law of the European Union, with an emphasis on those laws, regulations,
and rulings promoting the integration of the European economy. The course will examine the
fundamental economic principles of the EU, including free movement of goods, free movement
of workers, the right to provide services, and establishment rights. The course will also review
EU competition law, social environmental and monetary policies. Students may choose to write a
final examination or submit a research paper in lieu of the examination.
Elective Course
Meets Intellectual Property Concentration Requirements
Meets International Law Concentration Requirements
May Fulfill Legal Writing Requirement
Final Exam or Paper Required
LLM Course