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Associate Dean Karen Blum,
3 credits day; 3 credits evening. Among the topics to be covered: separation of powers,
federalism, congressional power to curtail federal jurisdiction, the case and controversy
requirements as it relates to doctrines of standing, ripeness, and mootness, sovereign immunity,
Congressional power to abrogate Eleventh Amendment immunity, Ex Parte Young doctrine,
section 1983 litigation, absolute and qualified immunity in suits against state and federal officers,
abstention doctrines, inter-system preclusion, and Rooker-Feldman doctrine. A casebook is used,
along with supplemental materials assigned and posted on TWEN. I use PowerPoint and make
the slides available to students. Class participation and discussion of issues is encouraged and
expected. There is a final exam for the course.
A study of the federal judicial system and its role in the governmental scheme. Among the topics
to be covered: separation of powers, federalism, congressional power to curtail federal
jurisdiction, the case and controversy requirements as it relates to doctrines of standing, ripeness,
and mootness, sovereign immunity, Congressional power to abrogate Eleventh Amendment
immunity, Ex Parte Young doctrine, section 1983 litigation, absolute and qualified immunity in
suits against state and federal officers, abstention doctrines, inter-system preclusion, and Rooker-
Feldman doctrine. Will be offered 2012-2013.
Elective Course
Meets Civil Litigation Concentration Requirements
Recommended for the Mass Bar
Final Exam Required
Federal Criminal Practice Seminar