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Mr. Richard Alpert,
2 credits day; 2 credits evening.
This course examines the regulation of food in the United States. Emphasis will be on
compliance with a federal statutory and regulatory scheme in a highly active environment as well
as on the public policy choices involved in determining whether, and how, to regulate these
products. The course will cover topics such as food safety, genetically engineered foods, high
fructose corn syrup, sugar-sweetened beverages, nutritional and health claims and the First
Amendment, ―natural‖ and ―organic‖ foods, food labeling including front-of-package schemes,
food additives, dietary supplements, carcinogens, warnings, and obesity. In addition, the course
will consider the challenges involved in representing clients in this industry, including
consideration of how an organization creates institutional structures to address broader
regulatory compliance matters including corporate governance and internal compliance programs
related to federal regulatory requirements. There will be a take-home final examination.
Elective Course
Meets Health/Biomedical Concentration Requirements
Take Home Exam Required
LLM Course