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Ms. Christie Hager,
2 credits day; 2 credits evening.
In this seminar, students will learn the lawmaking process in close proximity to Beacon Hill and
those who work there. This course will use a series of case studies from health care and public
health to illustrate the process by which laws are drafted, redrafted, enacted, and implemented.
The respective roles of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches are explored and
analyzed in this course, which will examine not only the process by which laws are made, but
also who influences the lawmaking process, and how. This course will draw on various
legislative materials, statutes, regulations, and court decisions. Guests from the legislative and
executive branches and non-governmental entities will join some classes for interactive
discussion. Students will develop skills in legislative drafting, legislative research, and policy
analysis. Grading will be non-anonymous and by alphabetic grade method. Evaluation will be
based on class participation and three short writing assignments. Will be offered 2012-2013
Prerequisite: There is no prerequisite for this course, but previous experience in the public
health or health care field is desirable
Enrollment is limited: 12
Elective Course
Meets Health/Biomedical Concentration Requirements
LLM Course
Health Care Fraud and Abuse