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at least fifteen pages of written work or twenty pages if the course is designated as one that can
be used to meet the Upper Level Legal Writing Requirement. The written work shall be
completed independently by each student in the course. 3. Students will receive extensive written
feedback, on each major writing assignment, covering the substance, analysis, and writing issues
reflected in the student‘s work. 4. Students will receive the opportunity to re-write one of the
assignments, which may increase their final grade for the entire assignment. 5. The professor will
have an individual writing conference with each student on at least one of the three writing
assignments. 6. The professor will discuss a sample memorandum for at least one of the
assignments, after the student papers have been handed in. 7. The grades for the writing
assignments shall constitute at least fifty percent of the course grade. 8. The syllabus for the
course shall include the three practice--oriented writing assignments and the approximate due
dates for each. 9. The faculty member is encouraged to discuss legal writing skills and
techniques with the students throughout the course. 10. Courses that provide substantially
equivalent practice oriented writing experiences may be certified by the Legal Writing
Subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee as Advanced Legal Writing Courses.
Enrollment is limited: 15
Elective Course
Meets Skills Menu Requirement
Meets Civil Litigation Concentration Requirements
May Fulfill Legal Writing Requirement
Final Paper Required