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Prof. Lorie M. Graham,
3 credits day; 3 credits evening. This course introduces students to the evolution of international
human rights law and the various contemporary mechanisms and institutions in place to enforce
these laws. The grade for the course is determined as follows: Class participation is ½ of the final
grade. It will be calculated based on (1) attendance, (2) active participation in class discussions,
and (3) current events (which includes reading and discussing current events articles and stories
relating to Human Rights). Written Assignments constitute 1/2 of the final grade. There will be
10 written assignments due throughout the semester and are in lieu of a final paper, but the ten
assignments together can be used to satisfy the legal writing requirement. Each assignment will
be typed and turned into me on the day it is being discussed in class. Hardcopy or email is fine.
There is no specific length requirement for each assignment, but you are expected to fully
analyze the questions presented in the assignment, including citing to relevant cases and articles
to support your points.
This is an introduction to human rights law and its enforcement mechanisms. The course will
include the study of: (1) the international laws that enumerate and protect civil rights; economic
and social rights; rights against racial, ethnic, religious and gender discrimination; and rights to
self-determination. (2) The development and contemporary functioning of human rights
institutions and their processes. (3) The legitimacy and enforceability of human rights laws, with
particular attention to challenges lodged on cultural relativist and state sovereignty grounds. The
course will study these issues in the context of concrete cases and conflicts. It will also introduce
those areas of international law necessary to an understanding of human rights. Final grade is
based upon a paper and in-class participation.
Enrollment is limited: 20
Elective Course
On List of Recommended Perspectives Courses
Meets International Law Concentration Requirements
Final Paper Required
LLM Course
International Human Rights: A Women's Model