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Mr. John Lanza,
2 credits day; 2 credits evening.
The globalization of business has increased the need for an understanding of the differing
intellectual property laws around the world and the application of those laws to the exchange of
information, workers, goods and services across national boundaries. Technological inventions,
creative works, brand equity and the accumulated experience and expertise of the workforce are
important assets in the current global economy. Although the intellectual property laws intended
to protect and regulate these assets are national, the assets are not readily confined to the country
of origin and exploitation is often multi-national. Advising clients in this environment requires
an understanding of the sources and application of a variety of laws and policies. This course
will begin with a series of classes introducing the relevant legal and trade principles, economic
and cultural influences and sources of law. These classes will consider important basic principles
and institutions, including territoriality, national treatment, choice of law and cultural property
and the role of WIPO. The balance of the course will be devoted to a series of problems that will
allow the class to examine intellectual property laws, including patent, copyright and trademark
laws, from a comparative perspective, to analyze the influence of treaties and other arrangements
affecting treatment of foreign interests, and to discuss practical approaches for doing business
and protecting intellectual property assets globally. Prior satisfactory completion of one or more
of the following courses is strongly recommended: Copyright Law, Intellectual Property, Patent
Law, or Trademark Law.
Elective Course
Meets Intellectual Property Concentration Requirements
Meets International Law Concentration Requirements
Take Home Exam Required
LLM Course
International Law