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Labor Law
Prof. Marc D. Greenbaum, Mr. John B. Cochran,
3 credits day; 3 credits evening. Professor Greenbaum: This course studies the National Labor
Relations Act and its regulation of private sector collective bargaining. It also identifies
similarities and differences between private and public sector collective bargaining. It utilizes
various instruction methodologies, most notable class discussion and the occasional lecture. The
course grade is based upon a final examination.
This course will examine the regulation of labor-management relations in the private sector.
Particular emphasis will be placed upon the union organizing campaign, the means of
designating a union as exclusive bargaining representative, the regulation of strikes, lockouts,
picketing and other forms of concerted activity, the duty to bargain collectively and resolution of
disputes through grievance-arbitration process.
Elective Course
Meets Base Menu Requirement
Meets Health/Biomedical Concentration Requirements
Final Exam Required