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Legislation: Process, Drafting, and Interpretation
Prof. David C. Yamada,
3 credits day; 3 credits evening.
This course provides a substantive introduction to the legislative process, legislative drafting, and
statutory interpretation. It also covers, to a lesser extent, related topics of administrative law,
election law, and direct democracy. It assumes a basic familiarity with American government
and politics. Evaluation will be via a short term paper and a take-home essay examination.
Elective Course
Take Home Exam Required
Legislative Process and Statutory Interpretation
Mr. TBA, Hon. John Greaney (Ret.),
2 credits day; 2 credits evening. Text: As yet unselected, but likely Bill Eskridge‘s text –
―Legislation and Statutory Interpretation‖. Grades: Based on class discussion and a required 20-
page research paper on a topic approved by the professor.
This course will focus on the process of drafting, enacting and interpreting legislation. We shall
discuss why we are in an age of statutes, who actually drafts statutes and how the drafters go
about doing so, the functions and procedures of legislative and committees, and the enactment
process. There also will be examination of the ―peoples‘ process‖ through the use of the initiative
and referendum procedures and constitutional (and other) limitations imposed on legislation by
the judiciary. We shall spend time on the ―Civil War of Interpretation‖ – canons booming north
and canons booming south‖ – all in an effort to clarify, and apply, statutes when the plain
meaning is less than obvious. We will hear, and learn, from guest speakers involved in creating,
and applying, statutes.
Elective Course