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Patent Law
Prof. Andrew Beckerman-Rodau, Ms. Heidi Harvey,
3 credits day; 3 credits evening. Professor Beckerman-Rodau: My course is primarily taught via
an interactive-discussion method rather than by lecture. Class discussion will focus on cases,
relevant statutory sections and analysis of those materials via problems and hypotheticals. The
case book for this class is somewhat atypical because it provides significant textual explanation
of the material along with conventional edited cases. The exam for this course is a traditional
essay exam. All materials for this class – other than the case book – are provided in electronic
form via Blackboard or via email.
This course provides a detailed treatment of the constitutional, statutory, and policy bases of US
patent law, focusing primarily on the requirements to obtain a patent. Enforcement of patent
rights will also be introduced. Issues raised by the patentability of current technologies and by
recent changes in the law will be explored.
Prerequisite: Intellectual Property Law is strongly recommended.
Elective Course
Meets Health/Biomedical Concentration Requirements
Meets Intellectual Property Concentration Requirements
Final Exam Required
LLM Course