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based discussion of these Problems as well as lecture. Course grade will be based on an open-
book, take-home final examination and class participation.
Power of courts over the legal profession, admission to practice, lawyer discipline, peer
regulation, law firms, lawyer-client relationship, withdrawal, fees, division of fees,
confidentiality, conflict of interest, competence and diligence, legal malpractice, limiting
liability, raising claims and defenses, ethics in presenting evidence, fraud, perjury, duty to court
and adverse parties, role of lawyer as advisor, intermediary, negotiator and mediator,
preservation of client‘s funds and property, duty to use I.O.L.T.A. account, advertising and
solicitation, contact with unrepresented persons and public service. Judicial ethics will be
referred to only briefly in class. Students are expected to actively participate in the class
discussion. The Model Rules of Professional Conduct will be the primary source, but reference
will also be made to differences in the Massachusetts Rules, the Code of Professional
Responsibility and common law principles. Method of final grading will be determined by
professor. See final examination schedule.
Elective Course
Take Home Exam Required