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Sexual Orientation in the Law: Regulation and Recognition
Ms. Ellen J. Zucker,
2 credits day; 2 credits evening.
This course will explore the ways in which the law regulates and recognizes sexuality and sexual
orientation. We will examine the historical roots of such regulation as well as the changing legal
landscape regarding sexual orientation in the areas of employment law, domestic relations,
criminal law, housing, and immigration. Our inquiry will focus on the constitutional principles at
issue in challenges to the regulation of sexuality and deprivation of equal treatment to the
lesbians and gay men: freedom of speech and association, the right to privacy, equal protection,
and substantive due process. This course will have a final take-home examination and class
participation will be weighed in the final grade.
Prerequisite: Constitutional Law
Elective Course
On List of Recommended Perspectives Courses
Take Home Exam Required