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Advanced Topics in Criminal Law
Hon. Gerald Alch (Ret.),
3 credits day; 3 credits evening. This course focuses on THE PRACTICAL PRACTICE OF
CRIMINAL LAW. Students are presented with trial situations which will, in whole or in part,
inevitably come their way. The panic of "WHAT DO I DO NOW? is met head-on by
PRACTICAL suggestions not readily available to newly ordained attorneys to whom confidence
is a necessity. The course is taught by lecture. The final exam is closed book consisting of three
essay questions on matters covered in class. The benefit of experience is offered to those seeking
just that.
The course will initially focus on the ethical and legal responsibilities of both the prosecution
and the defense in a criminal case. The issues to be discussed in this context will include law
enforcement contact with represented persons, use of informants, undercover operations and
electronic surveillance. The course will address tactical considerations, the exercise of discretion
in charging decisions and sentencing issues.
Prerequisite: Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, and Evidence
Elective Course
Recommended for the Mass Bar
Final Exam Required