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Suffolk Prosecutors
Prof. Diane S. Juliar,
4 credits day; 4 credits evening.
The Suffolk Prosecutors Program includes a regular classroom component consisting of lectures,
discussions, and simulations (some in conjunction with the Suffolk Defenders) focusing on
criminal procedure, search and seizure, courtroom advocacy, prosecutorial ethics, case
preparation, and the exercise of discretion by prosecutors, as well as a fieldwork placement in a
District Court where students represent the Commonwealth in criminal cases under the
supervision of an Assistant District Attorney. As part of their fieldwork (for which students are
required to be in court one full day per week in the fall semester and two full days per week in
the spring semester), students generally handle arraignments, bail hearings, and pre-trial motions;
interview witnesses; provide discovery; formulate sentence recommendations; engage in plea
negotiations; prepare for trial; and argue disposition. During the course of the year, students are
likely to litigate evidentiary hearings on Motions to Suppress, and many also appear as lead
counsel on bench and/or jury trials. Students are required to submit reflective journals and time
logs and, at the end of the year, a short paper. Preferences for court assignments are solicited,
and court assignments are made at the beginning of the fall semester.
Elective Course
Meets Civil Litigation Concentration Requirements