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Worker's Compensation
Mr. John D. Hislop
2 credits day; 2 credits evening.
A review and focus of the workers' compensation laws in Massachusetts from both a substantive
and procedural aspect. The course attempts to initially focus on what constitutes a personal
injury arising out of and in the course of employment, and then focuses on all of the benefits
available to injured workers and their families. The course also focuses on all of the procedures
at the Department of Industrial Accidents from conciliation to conference to hearing to
Reviewing Board and, if need be, to the Appeals Court. The course will also briefly focus on
other available benefits, such as social security disability insurance benefits and relationship of
third party tort cases with workers' compensation injuries. Finally, the instructor will make a
conscientious effort to continually update the students with any recent relevant case law
Elective Course
Meets Health/Biomedical Concentration Requirements
Final Exam Required