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Mr. Andrew Garcia,
2 credits day; 2 credits evening.
For decades lawyers at local courthouses have sat around complaining about things such as: How
do I get more clients? What do I do with this problem secretary? How do I make more money?
The common refrain has always been "why didn't they teach me that in law school?" In this
course, Suffolk intends to solve that problem. The "practice of law" is a noble profession and a
necessary component of any advanced society. But, in the modern world, a law firm must be
viewed as a business like any other business. So, it should take in more than it spends, reward its
principals for their risks and investment, attract more of the "right" clients to help it grow, and
provide high quality and valuable services. This practical course covers the development and
management of a small law business in today's ever changing economy taught by small law
business owners who have lived through and survived the ups and downs (and the major
mistakes) of almost 20 years of running a law business. The course will consist of lectures,
including various guest speakers, text book and relevant practice management article
assignments, and various projects that taken as a whole will constitute a comprehensive plan for
starting a law practice. Ultimately, successful students will leave the course with a "law business
in a box" consisting of a business plan, an ethical marketing plan, and a website and social media
plan which will allow them to "hit the ground running" when they are ready to "hang up their
Elective Course
Business Planning