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Prof. Joseph Franco,
3 credits day; 3 credits evening.
Both the Credit Crunch of 2008 and Enron and related financial accounting scandals in 2001
touched off firestorms of public indignation regarding corporate abuses that called into question
the financial integrity of public companies and our capital markets. In the case of Enron, public
criticism eventually led to sweeping legislation, known as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, that greatly
expanded the scope of the federal securities laws in regulating governance of, and financial
reporting by, public companies. The Credit Crunch in turn has produced significant legislative
and regulatory initiatives. This course will examine the dynamic between scandal, crisis and
reform in corporate, financial and securities regulation and its effect on corporations and
markets. Students have the option of doing a paper on a relevant topic of their choosing or
completing three shorter essays (roughly 8 pages each) on topics assigned by the professor. Not
offered 2012-2013
Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in Securities Regulation is required
Enrollment is limited: 16
Elective Course
Meets Financial Services Concentration Requirements
Final Paper Required
Corporate Finance