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Mr. Todd Krieger, Mr. Cyrus Daftary,
2 credits day; 2 credits evening. Course Co-taught by Daftary and Kreiger
Facebook, Twitter, iPhone, Google, iPad, Kindle, and many other recent innovations have been
the catalyst for substantial changes in our business and social paradigms and raise novel legal
issues that are not well anticipated by existing laws. This course explores a broad range of
current legal issues related to the Internet and emerging technology including social networking,
blogging, digital discovery, virtual worlds such as Second Life and World of Warcraft,
information security, privacy, traditional and open source software licensing, the Americans with
Disabilities Act and the Internet, antitrust and technology tying, taxation and e-commerce,
spyware, and more. Course content is updated as new issues emerge and Internet law is not a
prerequisite. This course is designed to provide students a hands-on opportunity to experience
some of these issues and better understand how these new technologies work. Besides interactive
classroom discussions, students will working teams to draft a business plan for a start-up
technology company and create an associated web site, which they will present to the class.
Students are also required to submit a paper on an internet related legal issue. Students will be
graded on the paper (25%), project (25%) and class participation (25%).
Enrollment is limited: 20
Elective Course
Meets Skills Menu Requirement
Meets Intellectual Property Concentration Requirements
Meets International Law Concentration Requirements
LLM Course
Directed Study Project