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Mr. Alexander C. Gavis,
2 credits day; 2 credits evening.
This course examines the legal issues arising from the pervasive use in the United States of the
Internet, mobile devices and other electronic communications systems for consumer commerce.
Our goal will be to examine the various ways in which the law has recently developed to address
the use of web sites and other communications for commerce. We will examine case law and
statutes that impact on how electronic commerce operators conduct business and the role of these
developments in protecting public and consumer interests. Along the way, we will attempt to
identify unique e-commerce-based activities and communications that may not have analogous
representations in the off-line world and that do not fit well within existing legal structures. We
will discuss how new or alternative legal structures to address these activities have and will
develop over time. Also, we will spend some time addressing the critical issue of consumer
privacy and how it is reflected in the online world. Our work will carry us, among other things,
into the areas of commercial, contract, copyright/trademark, tort, privacy and consumer
protection laws. Not offered 2012-2013
Elective Course
Meets Financial Services Concentration Requirements
Meets Intellectual Property Concentration Requirements
Final Exam Required
LLM Course
E-Discovery Law