ENTSOG GRIP BEMIP 2014-2023 / Main Report - page 34

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Baltic Energy Market Interconnection Plan GRIP 2014–2023
2.6 Poland
The Poland’s Energy Policy towards 2030 was adopted by the Council of Ministers
in November 2009. The document drafted by the Ministry of Economy contains a
long-term strategy of the energy sector development and demand forecasts for
energy sources. The Policy identifies 6 main directions of development in the
energy sector: energy efficiency, security of supply, diversification of energy
production, renewable energy, competitiveness and limitation of impact of energy on
Natural gas constitutes an important element of the national energy strategy. The
document provides for further development of the gas market, inter alia through the
stable outlook for investment in transmission system and cross-border connections,
as well as diversification and security of supply. According to the Policy, the total
demand for natural gas in Poland is expected to increase (mostly in the power gen-
eration sector).
Value chain of the natural gas market in Poland consists of 6 segments:
1 exploration and production,
2 transmission,
3 storage,
4 distribution,
5 wholesale, and
6 retail trade.
All activities related to the transmission of gas in Poland are fully separated from
generation and sales operations. Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
(GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.) was established in 2004. The company is responsible for
the transportation of natural gas and the operation of the transmission network in
Poland. GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. operates on the basis of a licence issued by the Presi-
dent of the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) which is valid until 2030. In addition,
the company performs the function of an independent system operator (ISO) on the
Polish section of the Yamal pipeline.
The capital group of Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG) holds currently a domi-
nant position on the market. It is the major importer and gas producer in the
country. It owns and operates all UGS facilities connected to the transmission
system in Poland via the storage company (Operator Systemu Magazynowania).
Furthermore, PGNiG has the largest share in the wholesale and retail markets and
it owns the major DSO that remains within the vertically integrated structure of
The role of other players active on the market has been increasing with new
measures which aim to boost the competition. It needs to be noted that the new
transmission network code developed by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. in 2012 and 2013 in-
troduced significant changes that enable further liberalisation and development of
the Polish gas market and the harmonisation with the standards applied among
the European TSOs. A similar impact on the functioning of the gas market in Poland
will have further development of the natural gas exchange in Poland, introduction of
the Gas Release Program and infrastructure development by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. The
Gas Release Program is implemented and supervised by the Polish NRA (Energy
Regulatory Office) based on the newly introduced energy law. It puts an obligation
on PGNiG to gradually sell increasing volumes of its gas through the Polish Power
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