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Getting Started in Project Share: A Guide for Texas Educators
©2011 Texas Education Agency/University of Texas System
Online Learning
Online learning” refers to courses taught and taken on the Internet.
online courses can be a convenient way to obtain:
Continuing Professional Education units
New teaching skills
Various types of certification
Additional benefits to
of online learning include:
Self-paced or flexibly scheduled classes, which allow learning to take
place at a participant’s own rate and convenience
Classes available wherever there is access to a computer with Internet
No inconveniences associated with commuting, parking, scheduling
around work hours, or arranging for child care
The main drawback for course instructors and participants is the absence of the
kinds of face-to-face discussions that mark a lively classroom.
To make online courses seem more like traditional classes, instructors can
enhance the learning experience with the following:
Short videotaped lectures
Links to videos on the Internet
Sound effects
Online courses can be divided into three general types of instruction:
Instructor-led courses
Instructor-facilitated courses
Self-paced courses
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