Sales Training 2014 - E-Products - page 6

Who is Robert Acland?
Dr. Robert D. Acland, FCRS is a professor emeritus in the
Department of Anatomical Sciences at the University of Louisville
School of Medicine. He’s a microsurgeon and clinical anatomist,
invested more than 11,000 hours in the production alone of these
indepth anatomy videos that have now been optimized for the
web and for mobile and tablet devices.
He gained his expertise in instructional video during his first
career, as a pioneer and teacher of microsurgical techniques. In
his second career as a clinical anatomist, Dr. Acland directs his
school's renowned Fresh Tissue Dissection Laboratory, where he
teaches anatomy to students and surgeons, and pursues
anatomical research. Working with fresh, unembalmed cadavers,
Dr. Acland has pioneered new and highly effective techniques of
anatomical videography that give the viewer a clear three-
dimensional understanding of spatial relationships.
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