Financial Matters:
At its fall meeting and as a follow-up to the cost exercise that began last year,
the Committee conducted a general discussion of the services that LSAC currently provides at no
charge. Under consideration was which charges might be imposed on either the candidates or the
law schools if LSAC decides to disaggregate some of those services. In addition, the Committee
and LSAC staff worked together to determine a fee proposal option to present to the Board.
The proposed FY2012 budget was discussed, and the Committee recommended its approval by
the Board.
Legal Matters:
The Committee considered legal issues related to state legislative initiatives.
The Committee also continued discussion of test security issues, incomplete e-apps, and the
development of the Committee charter. The Committee heard reports from the Audit Committee,
the Misconduct and Irregularities Subcommittee, and the Investment Policy Oversight Group.