The Environmental Crime Crisis - page 39

with other origins including Nepal and India, as well as Sibe-
rian tigers. The poaching has resulted in a sharp decline in
the tiger population and extinction of 3 of the 9 sub-species.
At present they are found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia,
China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal,
Russia, Vietnam and Thailand.
The decline is a result of habitat loss, hunting and poaching for
use in traditional medicine. To date, there is no evidence that
tiger products have any medical effect, and their use represents
superstition and beliefs, as the far majority of “tiger” prod-
ucts contain no tiger products at all. Among other things, it is
believed to cure joint and back pains, paralysis and muscular
spasms, as well as providing powerful protection. Tiger parts
have no scientifically proven medicinal properties. Reported
prices vary greatly, from wholesale of around USD 4,000–
6,000, with some claiming up to USD 20,000–30,000. The
sale of products from the bones of a single wild caught tiger
can be in the range of USD 1,250–3,750 per kilogram, with
an average of 20 kg of bones per tiger.
Other quoted prices
have been USD 370–400 for one kilogram of tiger bone, and
around USD 200 for eyes (claimed erroneously to fight epilepsy
and malaria). A kilogram of powdered humerus bone (erro-
neously claimed suitable for treating ulcers, rheumatism and
typhoid) can be over USD 3,000. For powdered bones in general
prices are estimated to be between USD 140–370 per kilogram
depending on the size of the bones.
Surveys of 1880 residents from a total of six Chinese cities
in 2007
revealed that 43% of respondents had consumed
some products alleged to contain tiger parts. Of the respond-
ents 88% knew that it was illegal to buy or sell tiger prod-
ucts. People from all income groups used tiger-bone plasters,
where the highest demand was among older consumers and
women. However, out of seven brands of plasters tested, none
contained even a trace of tiger bone.
A 2005–2006 survey
of 518 traditional medicine stores in China found no plasters
listing tigers as an ingredient.
The international community has strongly expressed the need
for effective law enforcement action against tiger crime. At
the Saint Petersburg Global Tiger Summit in 2010, leaders
from the 13 tiger range countries endorsed the Global Tiger
Recovery Programme, an action plan to double tiger popula-
tions by 2022, strengthen reserves, crack down on poachers
and provide financial incentives to maintain a thriving tiger
INTERPOL has together with the member states
provided recommendations for the protection of the species.
However, in order to protect the tiger, not only is an interna-
tional effort required. Frontline protection, consumer aware-
ness and especially habitat protection is imperative. Hence,
a broad approach will be required in order to ensure the
survival of tigers. For some of the populations, the situation
is so acute that immediate frontline protection is critical and
urgently needed.
domestic trade in tiger bones and their derivatives to help
implement the international tiger trade ban already in place
under CITES. China’s 1993 ban closed down a significant
legal industry in tiger bones and medicines made from tiger
bones. However, the demand has increased for tiger products
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