The Environmental Crime Crisis - page 50

India: Great One-Horned Rhinoceros
Assam, in India, holds 75% of the world’s remaining
great one-horned rhinoceroses in three protected areas,
Kaziranga, Orang, and Pabitora. Of the three, Kaziranga’s
rhino population is the largest, with over 2,000 animals.
These rhinos represent a remarkable conservation success
story. At the turn of the nineteenth century, it was thought
less than 50 one-horned rhinoceros remained in India.
Kaziranga housed just 12. Today the park, a World Heritage
Site and Biodiversity Hotspot, also boasts healthy popula-
tions of Royal Bengal tiger, elephant, buffalo, and swamp
deer. These animals are all under threat from habitat degra-
dation and loss, road and train traffic accidents, human-an-
imal conflicts, and periodic flooding. Poaching associated
with armed militant groups began rising in 2007 with the
killing of 18 rhinos.
Two other parks in the region lost their rhinos as the
result of conflict-driven poaching in the 1980s and 1990s.
Today a multitude of armed groups including tribal
separatists, rebels, and Islamist terrorists poach within
Kaziranga and in adjacent areas.
Almost two dozen mili-
tant organizations are active in the region, proliferating
arms and impacting security, and creating opportunities
for the penetration of transnational organized crime.
Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami and Jama’atul Mujahideen Bang-
ladesh, Bangladeshi terror groups affiliated with Al Qaeda,
reportedly poach tigers, elephants, and rhino in the park
to raise organizational operating funds. The groups have
been claimed to be linked with criminal syndicates in
Nepal, Thailand, and China.
The Karbi Peoples’ Libera-
tion Tigers (KPLT) sponsor and organize hunts, arming
poachers with AK-47s to kill rhinos to extract their horns
and to battle forest guards.
After being apprehended
in the act, one member of the Kuki National Liberation
Front admitted killing six rhinos.
At least 41 rhinos were
poached in Kaziranga in 2013, double the number killed
the previous year. Most were reportedly killed by AK-47s
and .303 rifles used by militant groups.
The horns are traded for weapons and cash to fund militant
activities. The involvement of armed militias in poaching
elevates the risks associated with guarding the park’s
animals. Forest guards now openly engage in combat with
militant groups, despite their limited equipment, training,
and low pay.
Kaziranga officials try to protect the animals through
strong anti-poaching initiatives with over 150 security
posts throughout the park, deployment of the elite Assam
Forest Protection Force, tight local intelligence networks,
and rewards to informants. Scores of poachers are arrested
each year, and rangers regularly risk their lives pursuing
and fighting the militants. However, limited law enforce-
ment, challenges of coordination between forestry offi-
cials and the judiciary, suspected corruption within the
as well as poor working conditions, limited
training, and lack of equipment for the guards create chal-
lenges to anti-poaching efforts.
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