MAY 2014 BEACON - page 11

he Easter
Bunny is
coming to
SAT. JUNE 14, 2014
Bring your kids andgrandkids out fora
good time…
Easter EggHunt (kids bring your Easter Baskets),
Games, Prizes, Face Painting, BounceHouses, and
lots of other fun!!!!
Breakfast served8:30-9:30
Easter EggHunt and visit with Easter Bunny
Lunchat 12
Games beginafter lunch
Sack races, egg toss, pin the tail on the bunny,
spoon race, anddon’t forget drench the Flag!!!
Dinner servedat 5:30
Raffle followingdinner
Signup sheet is in theClubhouseor email Sandi Stroha
or call 586-321-0513with
kids name, agesand t-shirt size.
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