SPDS 09052014 - page 11

conducted for industry stakeholders while in the field at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Dr. Hilmas, a medical doctor with a degree from the University of Maryland School of Medicine and a
doctorate in pharmacology and toxicology, comes to NPA after having served as Chief of the Dietary
Supplement Regulation Implementation Branch within the Division of Dietary Supplement Programs at
for more than two years. In addition to managing enforcement related to cGMPs, labeling, claims,
dietary ingredient safety, and imports/exports, he was a federal expert witness on label claims and
dietary ingredient safety and received multiple FDA awards for enforcement initiatives, including
kratom. He recently was honored with the FDA Award of Merit, one of the few recipients of this award
for dietary supplements, from Commissioner Hamburg for his criminal and civil trial work. Dr. Hilmas
also served as Senior Toxicologist for dietary ingredients at the FDA. Prior to his service at FDA, Dr.
Hilmas was the Responsible Official for Biological Select Agent Toxins and principal investigator for the
US Army. Dr. Hilmas gained an interest in dietary supplements while investigating the efficacy of two
dietary ingredients ‒ galantamine and huperzine-A. He earned his Bachelor’s degree from the University
of Colorado at Boulder in biochemistry and molecular biology. He also worked as a nuclear chemist at
the Department of Energy in Golden, Colorado.
Dana Krueger is the founder and President of Krueger Food Laboratories, Inc., an independent food testing
laboratory. He is a graduate from MIT in chemistry . He is a member of the Commission on Methods of
Analysis of the International Federation of Fruit Juice Producers (IFU) and of the Code of Practice Expert
Group of the Association of the Industry of Juices and Nectars from Fruits and Vegetables of the European
Union (AIJN). He is a founding member and past chairman of Technical Committee for Juices and Juice
Products (TCJJP). He is a Fellow of AOAC International and has held several positions as referee and
technical committee member. He has published extensively in the area of food analysis and the detection
of economic adulteration and has served as expert witness in several legal cases relating to these subjects.
Dr. Katerina Mastovska is a Lead Staff Scientist in Nutritional Chemistry and Food Safety unit at Covance
Laboratories and a Principal Consultant at Excellcon International. At Covance Laboratories, she is mainly
responsible for development of new analytical methods and strategies for testing of chemical residues and
contaminants in food and dietary supplements. She has been actively involved in the AOAC International as
the co-chair of the AOAC Chemical Contaminants and Residues in Food community (2011-present), Topic
Advisor for the veterinary drug residue methods, member of veterinary drug Expert Review Panels (ERPs),
presenter of scientific papers, session chair at annual meetings, and co-Study Director for a collaborative study of a
method for the analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in seafood. Prior to joining Covance Laboratories in
September 2009, she worked at the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and served as an expert in the United Nation’s Food
and Agricultural Organization (FAO) panel of the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR),
recommending world-wide maximum residue levels for pesticides in food and feed commodities. Dr. Mastovska
has authored/co-authored over 50 scientific publications (journal articles, book chapters, and monographs) and
over 100 presentations at national and international meetings. She received her Ph.D. in Food Chemistry and
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