SPDS 09052014 - page 133

PDE5 Inhibitors Working Group: Members
Katerina Mastovska, Covance (Chair)
Anton Bzhelyansky, USP
Joe Betz, NIH
Anatoly Chlenov, PerkinElmer
Teresa Cain, FDA
Jana Hildreth, Blaze Science Industries
David Kennedy, Phenomenex
James Neal‐Kababick, Flora Research 
Melissa Phillips, NIST
Steve Royce, Agilent
John Edwards, Process NMR
Todd Koch, Pfizer
Alexander Krynitsky, FDA
Stephen Lock, AB SCIEX
Elisa Nickum, FDA
Catherine Rimmer, NIST
John Travis, NSF International
Lukas Vaclavik, FDA
Jerry Zweigenbaum, Agilent
Brian Schaneberg, Starbucks
Olga Shimelis, Supelco
Garrett Zielinski, Covance
PDE5 Inhibitors Working Group: Work to Date
8 teleconferences (May 2014 – July 2014)
3 SMPR D ft d
s ra e 
Screening Method for PDE5 Inhibitors
Identification of PDE5 Inhibitors
Determination of PDE5 Inhibitors
30 day public comment period 
(July 25 2014 – August 25 2014)
SMPRs made ready for SPDS review and approval
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