MARCOGAZ Activity Report 2012-2013 - page 23

MARCOGAZ Activity Report 2012 - 2013
EU Public Consultation on Green Paper 2030
MARCOGAZ answered the European Commission public
consultation on the Green Paper “A 2030 framework
for climate and energy policies”. In its response to the
consultation, MARCOGAZ highlighted the following:
Natural gas is the low carbon fossil energy which emits
the least GHG; us low carbon system
Complementarities between natural gas and
renewable are made possible by the ability of existing
gas infrastructure to store and transport renewable
EC Energy & Climate policy shall give clear position to
investors to guaranty stable long term investments
More support is needed to develop the new
technologies necessary to optimise the use of gas:
Power to Gas, CCS, gas heat pumps, micro CHP, fuel
It is urgent to use more gas (LNG and CNG) in the
transport sector to reduce GHG emission
Any 2030 targets shall secure jobs in Europe and take
into account the economic environment
Public acceptance is fundamental for the success of
any EU Energy and Climate policy measures
Shale gas development should be envisaged since it
would improve EU security of supply.
Full version of the MARCOGAZ answer can be viewed on
the public area of the MARCOGAZ website.
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