Central Eastern Europe GRIP 2017 |
The present report is the third edition of the Gas
Regional Investment Plan for Central and Eastern
Europe. On behalf of the cooperating TSOs of this
region for updating and also partially upgrading the
previous plan, I’m pleased to introduce its result,
the CEE GRIP 2017.
All involved TSOs from the ten EU member states aim to provide the stakeholders
with this report which is a comprehensive outlook about infrastructure projects in the
region. These projects are either planned or already under implementation. They will
contribute to meeting future gas demand, as well as to the functioning of the
transmission networks not only within the region but also in regard to their transit
function beyond the region.
The CEE GRIP especially takes into account the analyses made by the TSOs about
the efficient enhancement of the security of supply (SoS), the diversification of
supply sources and routes, and further market integration. This report also
incorporates the corresponding comments received from market participants since
the first edition.
The analyses and descriptions made for/in the CEE GRIP are based on the same
data as used for the EU-wide Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2017, published
recently by ENTSOG. Together with the respective National Network Development
Plans, these documents thus constitute a consistent set of plans which enable the
identification of additional measures for the efficient development of gas transmis-
sion networks in the future.
The TSOs of the CEE region would like to thank stakeholders who have given advice
and support to the elaboration of all three editions. They would also like to encour-
age all stakeholders to provide further comments and proposals in the upcoming
consultation process and workshop, which are both scheduled to take place by
Michael Kehr
Director, Strategy
NET4GAS, s.r.o.