Page 87 - IIW White Paper

Through Optimum Use and Innovation of Welding and Joining Technologies
Improving Global Quality of Life
Needs and challenges in legal codes, rules and standardisation
should undertake this work in times of economic pressures?
are the
priorities and timing
of work to satisfy the above needs?
Strategies to meet needs & challenges in laws, standards & technical information
These are:
IIW should set an example by gradually addressing each of the identified needs, using one member
country to do the initial work review on one listed need and propose a suitable priority solution and
action, keeping in mind the challenges identified above.
IIW should be a focal point for coordination of this effort and outcome. It should strengthen
cooperation and its important role of voluntary technology transfer globally with support from
member countries.
All parties involved should consider what action they should take to meet the objectives of the
White Paper, and if appropriate utilise IIW.
We should all, where practical, help improve the quality of and access to laws, standards and
technology data.
IIW, technical societies and institutes should continue and improve as appropriate with increased
use of computerisation.
Copies of this paper should be given with a suitable covering note to those major organisations
involved in some way with the optimum use of welding technology. There is something of value to
most e.g. UN, ISO, WHO, WTO, ILO, welding societies and institutes, standards bodies, regulatory
authorities, and research, education and training bodies.