Page 15 - Registration Guide 2012-2013

Perspectives Menu
Recommended not Required
All students should take at least one of the Perspectives courses listed below
before graduation. The purpose of the recommendation is to help students develop
an analytical perspective on our legal system, by viewing it through the lens of
another discipline, probing the foundations, values or assumptions underlying our
legal institutions, or studying alternatives to our own doctrinal approach to legal
American Legal History: 1877 to present
American Legal Thought
Animal Law
Civil Disobedience
Civil Rights Litigation
Comparative Criminal Procedures
Comparative Law
Comparative Legal Cultures C
ontemporary American Politics
Indigenous Peoples ’ Rights and U.S. Law
International Human Rights
International Human Rights:
The Death Penalty and Related Issues
International Children's Rights
International Human Rights:
AWoman's Model
Issues of Law, Policy, and Ethics in Global
Justice, Morality and Film
Justice, Rights and the Law
Law and Economics
Law and Literature
Law and Public Policy
Law and Religion
Lawyer as Public Policy Maker
Public Interest Law Seminar
Race, Gender and the Law
Rape, Culture and the Law
Sexual Orientation in the Law:
Regulation and Recognition
Sex Trafficking
Women & the Law
Women, Film and Law
Women's Health Law & Policy Seminar