Leadership Matters June 2014 - page 3

Vision 20/20 initiative being prepared for launch
After one of the most
challenging years for public
education that I can recall, I
want to thank each of you for
continuing to focus on what’s
best for the students we are
charged with preparing for
college and careers. Education
is a noble profession -- and a
rewarding one when you see
graduates walk across the stage
and you know that, despite the
odds, you, your staff and your
teachers helped equip them to
be successful. It also is an awesome responsibility.
That responsibility is why IASA chose more than
a year ago to undertake Vision 20/20, perhaps the
most daunting initiative we’ve ever tackled. To our
knowledge, it is the first-ever attempt by practitioners
to develop a road map for public education that is
created by Illinois educators for Illinois educators.
Thanks to the hard work of a small army of
superintendents representing every region of the
state, we are close to having that blueprint for the
future. But it’s not “street ready” just yet. As we often
say about legislation that comes out of Springfield,
the devil is in the details and we still are in the
process of fine-tuning those details.
The Vision 20/20 plan is expected to be
submitted for review by the IASA Board of Directors
at its meeting near the end of July. After a final draft
is approved by the Board, the challenge becomes
when and how to take the plan from our meeting
rooms and spread it across our state. That will be
followed by a phase in which we transform the vision
into actionable items.
Politically, timing is everything. The analogy I
used at our most recent Vision 20/20 meeting in June
was a batter deciding ahead of time to swing at the
second and fifth pitch instead of swinging when there
is a good pitch to hit.
Until the time is right, we are going to hold our
work to date close in order for the plan not to be short
circuited by entities that might try to undermine the
initiative for their own agenda. But, in general terms, I
can tell you that the plan will address four major
areas, including:
Shared Governance
Century Learning
Highly Effective Educators
Equitable and Adequate Funding
When that time is right, we will brief you on the
details and call on you to help launch a powerful
grassroots campaign to let people in every
community in Illinois know what we as educators and
practitioners believe is the best path forward for
public education.
The effort has gained momentum and strength as
we have been joined by our Alliance partners the
Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB), the
Illinois Principals Association (IPA) and the Illinois
Association of School Business Officials (IASBO) as
well as the Superintendents Commission for the
Study of Demographics and Diversity (SCSDD) and
the Illinois Association of Regional Superintendents
of Schools (IARSS).
As I said earlier, we have an awesome
responsibility. But we also have an incredible
opportunity to help shape the future education for the
more than 2.1 million children in this state who
depend on us to educate and prepare them for the
global economy of the 21
Have a great summer, recharge your batteries
and come back in the fall ready to help change the
landscape of public education!
Message from the
Executive Director
Dr. Brent Clark
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