The UK Offshore Oil and Gas Fabricators Directory 2015 - page 5

page 5
Foreword from Oil & Gas UK
elcome to the 2015 edition of the
K Offshore Oil and Gas Fabricators
compiled by Oil & Gas UK.
This year’s digital version of the directory has been
updated to include details of two additional UK
fabrication yards as well as a range of equipment
and facilities, such as new cranes and specialist
coating workshops, which have expanded the existing
capabilities of the sector.
As the industry tackles serious challenges arising
from increasing costs and declining production, along
with the recent dramatic fall in oil price, it is more
important than ever to take steps to ensure that
UK companies continue to be competitive.
Oil & Gas UK is committed to ensuring a sustainable
long-term future for the UK industry supply chain
– a strategy shared by the government and outlined
in its industrial strategy for oil and gas. A key way to
meet this shared objective is to take all steps possible
to ensure that the capabilities of UK fabricators are
well known and understood by potential customers
both in the UK and in the global oil and gas industry.
We believe this directory should provide companies
both here and abroad with valuable information
when assessing fabrication yards for future
project work.
The fabrication sector in the UK can call upon
40 years of experience during which it has
accumulated an impressive level of knowledge and
expertise, and it is vitally important that we continue
to promote these indigenous engineering skills. We
believe the directory, with its detailed analysis of
the sector’s capabilities available throughout Britain,
highlights this impressive proficiency, signals that
the UK is open for business and demonstrates the
ability of the fabrication sector to serve other heavy
industries, in addition to the UK oil and gas sector,
in years to come.
Oonagh Werngren MBE
Operations Director, Oil & Gas UK
1,2,3,4 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,...114
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