my office till midnight just trying to get my
day done. We use our personal assistants all
the time. I am not ashamed to say that I need
Your new ‘baby’ needs all the TLC a
CEO can give. So, it’s no wonder owners are
afraid to hand over responsibilities to complete
strangers. They just aren’t sure if the job will
get done the way they like it. PAforaDay.com
weeds out the likelihood that you’ll be stuck
with a lazy assistant. “I can pretty much tell
that early on” - laughs Charell. “You can tell
by their emails, resume, that someone’s lazy.
If their not going to take that seriously then
their not going to take the day to day tasks
seriously. Our clients are looking for people
who are going to go above and beyond to get
that job done.”
It takes a village to raise… a business.
The idea is to get the work completed. Does it
matter if you need a helping hand to do it?
People are busier these days than they’ve ev-
er been. I’m willing to say in history. Employ-
ers are overleveraged and overextended.
We’ve gotten to a point in our society where
people are afraid to ask for help. We have to
move away from that.” -
Tonisha L. Johnson
One of the biggest reasons top execs want a
Personal Assistant is because, well, it makes
them feel like the big person on top! But se-
cretly, these hawdie tawtie managers, event
planners, CEOs, and just plain folk are busy.
Way too busy to get everything done by them-
selves. It’s not a sign of weakness to ask for
help. “There are things that need to be done
at home and in your personal life that just
aren’t getting done” - says Charell Star,
founder of PAforaDay.com. A service firm that
provides companies and busy professionals
qualified and affordable personal assistants. “I
used to spend about 145 days on the road.
When I was gone I couldn’t get things done.
When I’d return my fridge would be empty. I
didn’t make enough money to hire a fulltime
assistant. And there were no services at the
time that were affordable for someone who
was at this level in their career. The more I
researched it, the more I decided that I would
launch PAforaDay.com.”
Startups know that multi-tasking
comes with the job. Today’s lean business
can’t afford to hire fulltime or part-time em-
ployees. They do however have lots of work to
do. Entrepreneurs can get overwhelmed and
behind schedule. A personal assistant can alle-
viate stress. “Entrepreneurs need an afforda-
ble option for quality help. That’s really what
the organization is about. There’s no service
quite like us because not only do we offer vir-
tual service but actual real live assistants who
will go out and pick up your dry cleaning. Who
will walk your dog if you’re stuck at work real-
ly late. Who can help you if you need an extra
pair of hands. To have professional individuals
help you in your day to day life is very unique
and we’re a service that offers that.”
Entertainers play dual roles in the in-
dustry. At night they sing on stage. But by day
their meeting with marketing execs, discuss-
ing tours and working on routines. Running
the business can be time consuming. It can
prevent you from getting to the ‘fun’ part of
being in business for yourself. “As a small
business owner you wear many, many hats.
Half of the day is on business and the other
half is doing day to day work. We offer PA’s
from 8am to 10pm. Sometimes, I can be at
Charell Star