Holocaust Museum Houston - page 6

Spring2014 /
Stories of courage and inspiration
we can all learn from
Courtesy, PROOF: Media for Social Justice,
Curatedby LeoraKahn,
Photography byRiccardoGangale
Jan Karel Wijnbergen of Amsterdam was just 14 years old when
she was approached and asked to join the resistance, helping to
find shelter for Jewish children during the Holocaust. Enoch
Rwanburindi of Rwanda sheltered Tutsis fleeing from
the genocide in that country, hiding them and even
eventually building them their ownhome.Mina Jahi of
Bosnia hid a man who had escaped his execution
in Bosnia, saying only, “I knew that the same
fate could happen tomy children, tomy sons,
and it was totally normal to help a man
in trouble. I didn’t separate him from my
own children.”
Their’s are the stories of the new world-
premiere exhibit “The Rescuers: Picturing
MoralCourage,”on view throughAug. 31,
2014 at Holocaust MuseumHouston’s
MorganFamilyCenter, 5401Caroline
St. in Houston’s Museum District.
They are the stories of 30 ordinary
people who acted to do extraordinary
things to save others, often putting
their own lives at risk to do so. More
than 30 images, accompanied by text
from interviews, tell the stories of
farmers, taxi drivers, nuns, mothers
and fathers who risked everything
to save neighbors, friends and
strangers during the Holocaust
and the genocides of Rwanda,
Bosnia andCambodia.
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