TPi January 2012 - page 49

Show Venue
Düsseldorf Trade Fair Centre
26 March – 30 March 2012
Opening Times
Monday – Thursday – from 9am to 6pm
Friday – from 9am to 5pm
Entrance Tickets
Admission tickets via the Tube Online Shop
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Tel: +49 211 45 60 01
Infotel: +49 211 45 60 900
Fax: +49 211 45 60 668
Tube Düsseldorf is the No.1 show in
the tube and pipe industry and attracts
leading exhibitors – more than 900 of
them – from around the globe.
On display in the spacious halls of the
Düsseldorf Trade Fair Centre will be the
most advanced products, machinery
and equipment anywhere for every
tube-related purpose, large and small.
More than 70,000 visitors will arrive in
Düsseldorf with high expectations, which
will be met and exceeded. They will
leave Düsseldorf primed as never before
to profit from the opportunities that lie
ahead for their sector. By any objective
criteria that might be applied, time at
Tube 2012 will be time well spent.
But it could also be confidently
declared that other expectations – just
as important, if less easily quantified
– will be abundantly fulfilled by Tube
2012. Call these the imponderables.
They include the exhilaration of
exchanging information with like-minded
professionals; the gratification that
comes of testing a problem against a
host of cutting-edge solutions until an
answer – the answer – is found; the
awareness of being on the frontier of
knowledge of a vital industry.
These, too, are Tube. Ask anyone who
has attended a previous edition of the
show. You will find this visitor in the tens
of thousands in the Rhineland in March
– back at Düsseldorf for the refresher
They wouldn’t miss it for the world.
Photos: Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
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