TPi January 2012 - page 60

Tube Düsseldor f 2012
26-30 March 2012
Tube cleaning system
The Compri Tube-Clean system
from Alka Srl can solve the problem
of cleaning new and used tubes for
the construction and maintenance of
various plants (hydraulic, pneumatic,
measuring, air conditioning, etc).
Failure to carry out correct cleaning
of new purchased pipes can cause
serious damage to machinery, including
pumps and valves. The Compri Tube-
Clean system can remove residues
such as soot, welding residues, oil,
condensate and processing waste.
The system consists of a gun, with
different nozzles, that shoots special
projectiles for cleaning the inside of
tubes, pipes and hoses. The patented
material projectiles and structure can
clean pipes with diameters from 2 to
300mm, in potentially unlimited lengths
(even 5-10km).
According to the manufacturer, the rapid
and economical system can provide
results beyond the techniques of
compressed air, flushing or brushing,
and can also be used to perform
preventative maintenance. It can be
used on pipes with bends (even at
90°), fittings, T-shaped items, ball valves
and diameter changes, and is able to
remove grease and oil, disinfecting
with effectiveness while saving liquid
‘Bison’ – the automatic version of
the internal tube cleaning system – is
suitable for those who need to clean
a large number of tubes per day or at
very high speed. Featuring automatic
loading of projectiles, it allows cleaning
up one tube per second. The shot can
be carried out manually
by an operator but, if
necessary, Bison can
also be fully integrated
into an assembly line
or in an automatic
production line.
As the operation is
carried out completely
by air, it does not require
connection to the mains.
Bison is able to work
on internal diameters
ranging from 2 to about
The Bison W/D (wet
and dry) variant allows
the programming of a
sequence of firing several
bullets, and is able to
shoot both dry and
liquid-soaked projectiles.
For example, a dry
projectile can be used
to remove dirt, followed
by a projectile soaked in
liquid degreaser, then a
dry projectile to dry the
residue of the product.
The range of projectiles
covers various uses: (C)
Coupling can handle diameter variations,
and is particularly suitable for pipes
with fittings, with diameters greater than
50mm. (PR) Product Recovery is able
to handle large diameter variations, and
is also suitable for pipes with fittings.
(GR) Grinding is coated with aluminium
oxide, and is very abrasive, for removing
smooth patina. (A) Abrasive, with a
flexible abrasive head, is suitable
for removing slippery dirt or slightly
exposed margins. (S) Standard is a very
hard projectile with great mechanical
side strength for various uses.
Alka Srl
– Italy
Bison W/D uses both dry and liquid-soaked projectiles
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