God's Plan For Man Final - page 186

light-years have become a common means of reference. We can peer into
space and contemplate eternity, however. We may all agree that we are
somewhere within the limitations of time. Our misperceptions have far too
great an influence they need to be perfected.
The relativity of time directly correlates to our desire and ability to become
perfect. How often have you heard, “no one is perfect. Only Jesus was
perfect and look at what they did to Him?” That is what we have been
taught and, unfortunately, most believe that. However, Jesus said,
pe r f e c t , t he r e f o r e , as y our heav en l y Fa t he r i s pe r f e c t . ”
(Matthew 5: 48)
Jesus asks us to be perfect, who is it that says we cannot be perfect? What
we do or not do is significant, and we can only do what we know we can or
should do. If we think we are imperfect and limited, then we’ll perform
imperfectly, and we will not strive to do what Jesus asked. Meaning: we’ll
never do what Jesus desires or has instructed us to do— we’ll fail! The only
question remaining is how to accomplish perfection. If we do not surpass
what we have been taught, evolving to a greater degree of wisdom, we’ll
remain right where they have taught us to be; imperfect and only a sinner.
We should choose to listen, and to share what is given for the edification of
others. Desiring to connect, we share what we have, that is, the Holy Spirit.
It is more blessed to give than to receive, but receiving the Holy Spirit is
quite a joy.
Humanity must get beyond a natural theory of evolution or the many
arguments that pertain thereto. We are created in the image and likeness of
Jesus [God] and unique in every way. We must not monkey around with the
similarities of other life forms that science finds fascinating, but focus on
human life and our spiritual evolution. When the thought of evolution
involves only a natural form of change, the human mind does not spiritual
evolve the way God desires. When the monkey is more relevant, and the
creation theory is diminished according to intellectual imperfection, we are
subjects of and subjected to the lower order. The lower order is where
rationalization or intellectual knowledge leads one into an imperfect
perception, which may be popular to most. However, we are saved by the
reality of spiritual evolution. The truth is eventually known as we evolve
deeper into the spiritual mind of God. Only then is the truth known, and
spiritual evolution in the mind complete.
The entire natural world is directly dependent upon humanity only for the
continuing evolution or degradation motivated by a spiritual force.
Centering on the creation of human beings, we can begin to see this age or
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